Monday 14 December 2015

Christmas Break

Over the two-week Christmas break, I will be working on the evaluation.  This consists of four questions:

1.) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

2.) How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

3.) What have you learned from your audience feedback?

4.) How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Website: Second Draft

I have added more images and listings to the feature page.  The images go across the page and the listings without an accompanying image are in split into two columns underneath.

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Improve elements of magazine and website.

End of Lesson: I have made changes to the magazine pages and the website.  The construction section of my coursework is nearly complete.

Sunday 13 December 2015

Additional Image

As my contents page still feels empty and because I want it to have a collage feel, I have taken an image of the Gateshead Millennium Bridge to put onto this page.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Billboard: First Draft Feedback

The feedback I have received from my lecturer advised to move the masthead into the middle as it puts more focus on it.  I am also going to add 'Out Now' as potential readers need to know this information.

Billboard: First Draft

The simplicity of this billboard fits with my inspirations and many other billboard advertisements.

Monday 7 December 2015

Website: First Draft Feedback

My lecturer has advised that I add more tabs to the top line and that I add more images to the feature page.

Website: First Draft

This is the first draft of my three website pages.  The website I am designing consists of a homepage, a feature page and a contact page.

Website Pages Progress

This is the progress I am making with the feature page and contact page of my website.

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Work on billboard and continue to design website.

End of Lesson: I am making good progress with the ancillary tasks.

Monday 30 November 2015

Website Homepage Progress

I am pleased with the elements of this page.  I think that I have used appropriate fonts and that the images are of good quality.

Feature Page: Second Draft Feedback

My lecturer has advised that I reword certain parts and that I better align some of the text.

Tyneside Cinema Image

As suggested by my lecturer, I have added another image of the Tyneside Cinema to my contents page.  This gives it more of a collage feel.  It has the date on it but I can cut this out.

Feature Page: Second Draft

I have made changes to this page and am awaiting feedback to see if there are any other changes I need to make.  The changes include moving the text up further to the image.  This meant I had to add more to the article.

Billboard Progress

This billboard fits with the house style of my products.  I still need to add the image of the IPad and IPhone.

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Begin work on website.

End of Lesson: I have begun to work on the homepage of my website.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Editor's Page: Second Draft Feedback

Based on feedback, I am going to add more text to give the page more purpose.  I am also going to improve the cutting out of the image.

Contents Page: Third Draft Feedback

I am going to reduce the size of the listings text and add a new image to create a collage effect.

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Work on contents page and editor's page feedback.

End of Lesson: I have been acting on feedback but still need to add a new image to the contents page to create a collage look.

Monday 23 November 2015

Editor's Page: Second Draft

I have added a social media section and included the editor's name alongside the signature.  When I delivered the pitch, one of the recommendations was that I incorporate a social media element.  The editor's page is a relevant page to include this.

Feature Page: First Draft Feedback

I need to add to the text and make it more regional.  I also need to embed the text with the drop cap.

Feature Page: First Draft

I am pleased with this draft however I think that it would benefit from some changes.

Contents Page: Third Draft

I have reflected on feedback from the second draft and am waiting for feedback on this draft.  I have changed the colours of some of the text in areas like the subscribe section and the listings.  I have also added a line before and after 'NorthEast FILM' which is a design used by 'Empire' magazine.

Editor's Page: First Draft Feedback

I need to improve the cutting out of the image and reduce the size of the text so that I can add something minor to the page.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Contents Page: Second Draft Feedback

Based on feedback, I am going to make amendments to the images and the colour scheme.

Front Cover: Third Draft Feedback

I am going to make changes to the layout, sizing of items and font.

Feature Page Progress

I still need to add the rest of the article including the pull quote.  I think this page is looking positive.  I have used the crop tool on the image to put more focus on myself in the centre.


Editor's Page: First Draft

This is the first draft of my magazine editor page.  I am pleased with the use of font and the inclusion of the signature.

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Act on feedback of my front cover and contents page.  Complete a first draft of the editor page.  I will also begin working on the feature page.

End of Lesson: I have acted on feedback and have finished a first draft of the editor page.  There is also progress of my feature page on a blog post.

Monday 16 November 2015

Contents Page: Second Draft

I have added a new image and changed the background.  I think that the contents page looks far more interesting than the first draft.

Front Cover: Third Draft

I am pleased with the front cover after acting on the feedback.  I have used the angle tool to change the angle of some text such as the website name.  I have moved the issue number above the masthead and the website is now next to the barcode.

Front Cover: Second Draft Feedback

I need to make some minor changes to the front cover.  I feel that these improvements will make the page look more professional.

Editor Page Progress

I still need to add the image and signature onto this page.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Contents Page: First Draft Feedback

Based on the feedback, I am going to work on the colours, layout and images.  I am also going to make the background black to see if it makes the page look better.  This will mean having to change the colour of some items.

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Reflect on the feedback on my contents page.

End of Lesson: I have reflected on the feedback and I am making good progress with the editor's page.

Monday 9 November 2015

New Contents Page Image

I have taken a picture of a cardboard cutout which is in my media class.  This will be added to the contents page to go with the sell line regarding the 'Sci-Fi Carnival'.  This image will be of Boba Fett from 'Star Wars' and it will be a close up.  This will need to be cut around so that the image is only of the helmet.

Contents Page: First Draft

I am pleased with the listings and the images however I am unsure whether I will keep the 'Sci-Fi Carnival' animation.  I have used the quick selection tool to remove the background of the camera image.


Front Cover: Second Draft

This is the second draft of my front cover.  I have changed some of the fonts and the layout as requested in the feedback.

Front Cover: First Draft Feedback

My lecturer has informed me on what I should consider changing on the cover.  This includes changing the font of the headline and the position of the barcode.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Front Cover: First Draft

This is the first draft of my front cover.  I am awaiting feedback.  I like the style, the image and the colour scheme as they are unique and appropriate.

Contents Page Progress

I have almost finished my contents page and the first draft of my front cover is complete.

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Continue to work on contents page and upload progress onto blog.  The magazine must be completed by the week commencing 23rd November therefore I will have to work very hard in lessons to ensure I meet this deadline.

End of Lesson: I am making very good progress with my contents page and have uploaded my progress of this design onto the blog.  My first draft of the front cover is finished and I am awaiting feedback.

Monday 2 November 2015

Front Cover Progress

This is further progress of my front cover.  It is almost finished as a first draft.

Contents Page Progress

Like with the cover, I am pleased with the fonts and the colour scheme of this page.  I am yet to add the image of the Super 8 camera and the listings.  I have used the shapes tool to create part of the listings section.


Thursday 29 October 2015

Article Draft

This draft will be edited when I transfer it to the magazine.  Some additions may be needed and some parts may be removed.

Calling The Shots
Young independent filmmakers in the region take on old school methods of creating movie magic.

One of the North East's most academic film groups, 'Scene by Scene' have thrown themselves into the arduous task of creating short films with techniques that are rarely seen today.  The group members are helping each others to make the movies, with a director, actors and assistants required. 

The group consists of twelve 16-20 year olds with a passion for film.  Lasting only five minutes, the films could be made either with a Super 8 camera or as a silent film.  This embracing of methods undertook by filmmakers as far back as the 1920s highlights the positive attitude that young people have about making movies.  This endeavour will no doubt give them more confidence and experience for future projects both in and out of the club.

The use of Super 8 cameras is nostalgic of the short films made by the likes of Steven Spielberg when he was younger.  The other group members of the group have gone back even further to the past to make silent black and white films.  Some of the young filmmakers have taken inspiration from Charlie Chaplin and Fritz Lang.  The films will be screened at a local venue early next year.

Friday 23 October 2015


Over the half-term break which lasts from the 23rd of October to the 1st of November, I will be acting on the feedback I received from my lecturer today.  I will also be drafting the article for my magazine feature page.

Monday 19 October 2015

Front Cover Progress

This is my magazine front cover in progress.  I am pleased with how it looks, especially the fonts and colour scheme.  I have screenshoted the healing brush which I have used to make the image look better.


Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Go over research and planning a final time to meet the deadline on Friday 23rd.  Upload progress of front cover to blog.

End of Lesson: I have gone back over some of my blogs and made more improvements.  I have also uploaded an image of my front cover in progress.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Continue to work on designing.

End of Lesson: I have completed my first draft of the billboard and am making good progress with the magazine front cover.

Monday 5 October 2015

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Reflect on lecturer feedback.

End of Lesson: I have gone over my research and planning and made amendments based on what my lecturer has said.

Monday 28 September 2015

Blog Feedback

This is feedback from my lecturer on my research and planning.  I am going to go over my blog posts and make improvements.

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Today I am going to continue working on designing the billboard.  This week I will be re-doing the audience interview with more questions.  Once I have uploaded the video, I will update blog titled 'Audience Interview'.  I am going to reflect on feedback from my lecturer in this lesson also.

End of Lesson: I have been working on the billboard and I feel that I am progressing well in designing it.  I have successfully reflected on lecturer feedback and made improvements to certain blog posts.  This week I will be conducting the audience interview and upload it onto the blog in video format.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Work on audience interview questions to prepare to re-do the interview.

End of Lesson: I have made a list of questions and shot types to prepare for the interview.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Reflection on Pitch Presentation

I have delivered the pitch and have reflected on the feedback.  I now know where I can improve on my planning and ideas.

Pitch Presentation Feedback

This is a picture of some of the feedback I received on my pitch presentation.

The feedback in the text box is from my lecturer and the feedback on the pink and blue post-it notes are from other students in the class.  Something I did not consider when working on the pitch was the social media aspect.  Adding this is simple as all that is needed is a link to the Facebook and Twitter page and the logos to accompany this.

Monday 14 September 2015

Pitch Presentation

This lesson, I am going to go back over my pitch as I will be presenting it to the class this week.

End of Lesson: I have went back over the pitch and made some improvements.  I have made it clear what my magazine will feature and who the target audience is.  I have also outlined who I would compete with and how much I think people would be willing to pay for it.

Monday 7 September 2015

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of lesson: In today's lesson, I am going to go over the research and planning that I have done over the summer and make some changes.  I am also going to start designing the billboard as it is the more simple task of the three.

End of lesson: I have begun to design the billboard and have made changes to my blog posts so that they include different types of media formats.

Saturday 29 August 2015

Blog Template

I have used the image I took of the Tyne Bridge as the template for my blog.

Monday 20 July 2015

Front Cover- Dominant Image

This is a general outline of my front cover with the image on it.  I have not included everything as it is supposed to just be a basic idea for when I begin designing.  This image has a large presence on the page because of its noir effect.  Despite the brightness of the yellow, the dominant image is still the unique selling point of the magazine.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Image Descriptions

Weather Report

When taking the outdoor images, the weather was suitable.  The image of the Tyneside Cinema was not very bright as its entrance is on a side street and therefore blocked out some sunlight.  This is not a problem as it fits with the look of the cinema as its sign is not particularly colourful.  The image taken on the beach is brighter which connotes the enthusiastic vibe of the image.

Weather for 19th July

Saturday 18 July 2015

Photoshoot Images

Using 'PhotoCollage', I put together the images I will be using for my products.  The photo shoot went very well and all of the images are suitable.