Monday 28 September 2015

Blog Feedback

This is feedback from my lecturer on my research and planning.  I am going to go over my blog posts and make improvements.

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Today I am going to continue working on designing the billboard.  This week I will be re-doing the audience interview with more questions.  Once I have uploaded the video, I will update blog titled 'Audience Interview'.  I am going to reflect on feedback from my lecturer in this lesson also.

End of Lesson: I have been working on the billboard and I feel that I am progressing well in designing it.  I have successfully reflected on lecturer feedback and made improvements to certain blog posts.  This week I will be conducting the audience interview and upload it onto the blog in video format.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Work on audience interview questions to prepare to re-do the interview.

End of Lesson: I have made a list of questions and shot types to prepare for the interview.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Reflection on Pitch Presentation

I have delivered the pitch and have reflected on the feedback.  I now know where I can improve on my planning and ideas.

Pitch Presentation Feedback

This is a picture of some of the feedback I received on my pitch presentation.

The feedback in the text box is from my lecturer and the feedback on the pink and blue post-it notes are from other students in the class.  Something I did not consider when working on the pitch was the social media aspect.  Adding this is simple as all that is needed is a link to the Facebook and Twitter page and the logos to accompany this.

Monday 14 September 2015

Pitch Presentation

This lesson, I am going to go back over my pitch as I will be presenting it to the class this week.

End of Lesson: I have went back over the pitch and made some improvements.  I have made it clear what my magazine will feature and who the target audience is.  I have also outlined who I would compete with and how much I think people would be willing to pay for it.

Monday 7 September 2015

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of lesson: In today's lesson, I am going to go over the research and planning that I have done over the summer and make some changes.  I am also going to start designing the billboard as it is the more simple task of the three.

End of lesson: I have begun to design the billboard and have made changes to my blog posts so that they include different types of media formats.