Wednesday 9 March 2016

Lecturer Feedback

My lecturer has advised me to change the visual style of the editor's page to fit more with the rest of the magazine as it currently looks too different.

Thursday 11 February 2016

Half-Term Break

Over the half-term break, I will be going over my research and planning, construction and evaluation to make amendments based on my lecturer's recent feedback.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Finish evaluation questions.

End of Lesson: I have finished the evaluation in order to have my blog marked by my lecturer on Friday.

Monday 25 January 2016

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Work on evaluation questions to finish for deadline on Friday.

End of Lesson: I have nearly finished the evaluation.

Sunday 24 January 2016

Evaluation Question 3

This is the final focus group interview which informed me what aspects of the magazine worked best and if it felt like a regional magazine.  

Saturday 23 January 2016

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary texts?

I have put together some screenshots and have answered this question in the video below.

Screenshots from Magazine

Screenshots from Ancillary Tasks

Evaluation Question 1

Powered by emaze

Thursday 21 January 2016

Final Focus Group Feedback

I have shown my products to people in my target audience (aged 18-30) and this is the feedback I received.

The font, colours and layout are clearly well liked and are effective elements of my products.  I am pleased with the feedback on the technology on the billboard and that the website looks professional.

Construction Feedback

This is feedback from others in the class on my unfinished construction work.  The positive items include the colours and the article however the suggested areas of improvement are the variety of images and that the contents page and editor page looks a little bare in places.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Final Ancillary Tasks Design

The pages I have created are under the tabs 'Home', 'Features' and 'Contact'.


Final Magazine Design

Front Cover
Contents Page

Editor's Page
Feature Page

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Continue to work on construction of website.

End of Lesson: I have finished construction and uploaded the products to blogger.

Monday 18 January 2016

Website Progress

I have added a different image to the homepage and changed the layout of the feature page and added a new advert to it.  This advert is a for a made-up film production company called 'Paria Films'.

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Continue working on construction and add the new image to the website feature page.

End of Lesson: I have nearly finished with the construction of my products.

Friday 15 January 2016

New Website Feature Page Images

I am going to add these two images to the website feature page as it is more conventional to have an image accompany every feature.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Website Footer

I have decided to add a bar of text at the bottom of my website as my lecturer suggested.  I am going to base mine on the one used for 'The Crack' magazine website.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Feedback on Website

My lecturer has advised that I have two different adverts and that I make the 'latest film reviews' section look more appealing.  She also suggested that I make the images on the feature page the same size to make it easier to navigate around the page.  For the contact page, the feedback was that I make the location of the magazine headquarters more central on the map so that the viewer is more easily drawn to it.


This is self-assessment for both my magazine and ancillary tasks.

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Continue working on feedback of construction work.

End of Lesson: I am almost finished making changes to my construction work so I will be able to add the finished products into my evaluation questions.

Billboard- Second Draft

I have added an 'Out Now' section at the top.

Monday 11 January 2016

Time Management- January

Link to Evernote:

Website Progress

I have gotten rid of two of the images on the homepage, added more images to the feature page and added a map to the contact page to show where the building where the magazine is designed is located.

Front Cover Progress

I have added yellow text boxes behind the sell lines to see if it works however I am going to remove them as I do not think that they are appropriate or that they add anything new to the page.

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Work on construction feedback.

End of Lesson: I have been working on construction and I am nearly finished with this part of the coursework.

Monday 4 January 2016

Targets for Lesson

Beginning of Lesson: Act on feedback of construction work.

End of Lesson: I have made some changes to elements of the construction work.