Thursday 2 July 2015

Flat Plan and Rationale(Billboard)

Colour Usage: The reason I have used the same colour scheme as the magazine front cover is because when people go into a shop, the design will be familiar to them.  There is a good chance that the use of black would make this billboard stand out much more than others around it.
Image Usage: The camera will be photographed from the side.  It is not certain that this image will feature as it may not necessarily look too right for the billboard.  I will place an image of an IPad and an IPhone to sell the magazine in its digital format.  The cover of the magazine will be placed over their screens.
Text Usage: The use of text will be strict as the colours and images are more important in grabbing people's attention.  There will be a small amount of text mentioning the focus of the current issue.  The purpose of this is to be informative.  The use of the word 'region' will make the audience want to buy the magazine more as it speaks directly to the viewer.  This gives it an informal register which is more comforting to the audience.
Layout and Font: Every item is spread out which ensures that nothing is unnoticeable.  As billboards are large advertisements, this technique means that everyone can see its features.  I will use more general fonts such as 'Impact' which will look better over the black background.

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