Thursday 2 July 2015

Flat Plan and Rationale(Website)

These flat plans are for the three components of the website I will be creating which will be a homepage, a feature page and a contact page.

Colour Usage: The colours used on the magazine front cover and the billboard(yellow, black and white) will be on the homepage but in lesser amount.  The background will be black as I believe this is more professional.  There will be colours like blue and grey which will come from the background of some of the images.

Image Usage: The images on the homepage will be of the Tyne Bridge and Big Ben.  The Tyne Bridge will be the main image as it is an effective wide shot.  This image will also appear on the 'feature list' page as it is the main story.  Of course Big Ben is not in the North East, but it will be used on the homepage to advertise an article about a local film making group who have been to London as part of a study into the history of British film.

Text Usage: The use of text will be conventional.  The inclusion of adverts and side columns is a convention of websites and is an effective way to get more text on the page.  The contacts page will have informative text through the contents of this page will be limited.  Like the magazine, the website will not be too formal because of its younger audience.  The language will be more simplistic than the magazine as it is supposed to be viewed as easily accessible information rather than reading material.  The regional language will be used for places rather than slang words.

Layout and Font: The layout will be roughly the same as a usual magazine website with the main focus of the page on the left and the minor items on the right.  As for fonts, they will be bold and mature.  The adverts will need to have more varied fonts as they are a separate part of the website.

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