Monday 20 July 2015

Front Cover- Dominant Image

This is a general outline of my front cover with the image on it.  I have not included everything as it is supposed to just be a basic idea for when I begin designing.  This image has a large presence on the page because of its noir effect.  Despite the brightness of the yellow, the dominant image is still the unique selling point of the magazine.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Image Descriptions

Weather Report

When taking the outdoor images, the weather was suitable.  The image of the Tyneside Cinema was not very bright as its entrance is on a side street and therefore blocked out some sunlight.  This is not a problem as it fits with the look of the cinema as its sign is not particularly colourful.  The image taken on the beach is brighter which connotes the enthusiastic vibe of the image.

Weather for 19th July

Saturday 18 July 2015

Photoshoot Images

Using 'PhotoCollage', I put together the images I will be using for my products.  The photo shoot went very well and all of the images are suitable.

Thursday 9 July 2015

Shot List

This is the list of images that will be used in my products.  I have listed what type of shot each image will be.

Cover Image: Medium close up
Tyneside Cinema: Medium shot
Super 8 camera: Medium shot
Photo of Editor: Medium shot
Feature Page Image: Wide shot
Tyne Bridge: Wide shot
Big Ben: Medium shot

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Billboard Image Change

I have decided not to include an image of a Super 8 camera on my billboard as I do not think it will add anything to it.  I will place the magazine's slogan where the image would have been however I will still keep the image of the IPad and IPhone to show the different formats the magazine is available in.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Costume, Make-Up, Hair and Props

Link to Evernote:


This recce is information about my photo shoot.

The ‘recce’

1.    Are there any potential hazards that could pose a health and safety risk where your photo shoot will take place (trailing cables/traffic/other objects)?

Some images will be taken near roads and near water which are a clear risk.  The roads could be busy when I take the photo shoot and it could end up being very bad weather with rain and wind.  This is not only a risk to people, but to the equipment I will be using too.

2.    What will you do to ensure these risks are minimised?

To reduce these risks I will take the location photos when there is less traffic.  A suitable time for this is a morning during the week.  The images taken near water will not be hazardous as I will not go too close to the water therefore both myself, the people with me and the equipment will not be at risk.

3.    Will the time of day/weather affect the outcome of the photos? Have you allowed for this?

The photos taken outdoors are not dependent on lots of light but cannot be taken when it’s raining or when it is dark.  Because of this, the images will be taken during the day when the weather is suitable.  The images taken indoors will be taken during the day however they will not require beams of sunlight.

4.    Have you considered the background to your photos, particularly if taken outside? How will you ensure you will get the background you want?

The images taken indoors will have more basic backgrounds however the outdoor images will contain more.  The image for the magazine’s feature page for example will be taken on a beach which will bring in more colour.  One of the images I am going to use on the website will be of Big Ben as I am visiting London soon.  This image will accompany text about film clubs visiting London to explore British Film.

5.    Have you considered lighting? What about the ‘problems’ of natural lighting, either outside, or streaming through a window? Will you need to use a flash? Have you considered reflective objects that might spoil the effect?

The cover image will require darkness with a small amount of light shining on me.  As for the location shots, I do not want bright sunlight to enter the frame which is why I will not take them on a day when this could become a problem.  Some of the images taken indoors are also at risk of containing streams of light so I will take them away from sources of brightness.  The image of the camera which will go on the billboard however will require bright light to make it stand out against the black background.

6.    Do you need permission to take photos in the place/venue you have in mind?


7.    Do you need to book time in a room (eg the photography studio at Shiney)?  


8.    Are other people/crowds likely to be an issue for you? What have you done to ensure that it will not spoil the effect?

The only image in which crowds would be a problem is the image of the Tyneside Cinema however as I am going to take this picture on a morning, it should be less crowded.

9.    Are you reliant on lifts/props/friends’ equipment/models? How have you planned that these things will come together at the appointed time? Plan B?

I will be using a very significant prop on the cover, contents page and feature page: a Super 8 camera.  This will be the focus of the magazine as the article is about local independent film making.  I am going to ask a friend or family to appear as the editor of the magazine.  If they are not available on the day I plan to take the photo then I will arrange another time for it to be taken.

10. Finally, have you thought of every eventuality…?

From doing this recce, I am confident that I can carry out an effective and careful photo shoot and that I can get the images I need in order to create well designed products.   

Photoshoot Planning

Media Production

Photo shoot planning document

What emotional impact do you want your photography do have upon the reader? How?
I want my images to make the reader aware of the enthusiastic attitude that young people have about film.  Some of the images such as the one on the cover will be a reflection of young independent film makers both from now and from the 60s and 70s, when young film makers had a strong presence in the film industry.

What personnel do you need? Who are you going to photograph?
I am going to photograph a female family member who will act as the editor.  They will feature on the editor's page.  Their image will be a medium shot.

What props will you need?
I will be using a Super 8 camera on the cover, contents page and feature page to show that 'old school' filmmaking is not necessarily old-fashioned as lots of young people are very passionate about film.

How are you going to emphasise colour?
The colours I use will be both bright and dark.  For example on the cover there will be a black background with yellow text.  This will be carried throughout my products, especially on the billboard which will make it more of a stand-out advertisement.

Have you briefed your personnel/models?
I have briefed the person who will appear in my magazine and they have signed a consent slip giving permission for the image of them to be used.

What lighting will you need? Any other equipment?
The light sources will be natural however I will have to take the pictures at a time when the weather is suitable for them.  The cover image will need to be taken with a dark background so that the 'noir' effect I add to the image looks more effective.

Where will you shoot? Will you need a backdrop?
The shots I take outdoors will be taken at the Tyne Bridge, South Shields beach and the Tyneside Cinema.  The other outdoor image will be Big Ben which I will take while I am on holiday there. 

Make-up? Costume?
There will be no additional make-up needed and the clothing will be casual.

Monday 6 July 2015

Sunday 5 July 2015

Time Management 3

Link to Evernote:

Consent Slip

This consent slip shows that I have permission to include this person in my magazine in which they will act as the editor.

Organising Guests

This is evidence that I have organised for someone to be in my magazine.  This person will act as the editor of the magazine.  The person in the image is a family member.  The reason I did not choose a friend to be the editor is because it is not realistic enough if a seventeen year old is the editor of a magazine.  This image does not require a significant pose- the model will only need to turn slightly to the side and face the camera.

Saturday 4 July 2015

Arranging Equipment

I have been in touch with a family member asking them if I can lend their camera to take pictures for my products.

Thursday 2 July 2015

Flat Plan and Rationale(Website)

These flat plans are for the three components of the website I will be creating which will be a homepage, a feature page and a contact page.

Colour Usage: The colours used on the magazine front cover and the billboard(yellow, black and white) will be on the homepage but in lesser amount.  The background will be black as I believe this is more professional.  There will be colours like blue and grey which will come from the background of some of the images.

Image Usage: The images on the homepage will be of the Tyne Bridge and Big Ben.  The Tyne Bridge will be the main image as it is an effective wide shot.  This image will also appear on the 'feature list' page as it is the main story.  Of course Big Ben is not in the North East, but it will be used on the homepage to advertise an article about a local film making group who have been to London as part of a study into the history of British film.

Text Usage: The use of text will be conventional.  The inclusion of adverts and side columns is a convention of websites and is an effective way to get more text on the page.  The contacts page will have informative text through the contents of this page will be limited.  Like the magazine, the website will not be too formal because of its younger audience.  The language will be more simplistic than the magazine as it is supposed to be viewed as easily accessible information rather than reading material.  The regional language will be used for places rather than slang words.

Layout and Font: The layout will be roughly the same as a usual magazine website with the main focus of the page on the left and the minor items on the right.  As for fonts, they will be bold and mature.  The adverts will need to have more varied fonts as they are a separate part of the website.

Flat Plan and Rationale(Billboard)

Colour Usage: The reason I have used the same colour scheme as the magazine front cover is because when people go into a shop, the design will be familiar to them.  There is a good chance that the use of black would make this billboard stand out much more than others around it.
Image Usage: The camera will be photographed from the side.  It is not certain that this image will feature as it may not necessarily look too right for the billboard.  I will place an image of an IPad and an IPhone to sell the magazine in its digital format.  The cover of the magazine will be placed over their screens.
Text Usage: The use of text will be strict as the colours and images are more important in grabbing people's attention.  There will be a small amount of text mentioning the focus of the current issue.  The purpose of this is to be informative.  The use of the word 'region' will make the audience want to buy the magazine more as it speaks directly to the viewer.  This gives it an informal register which is more comforting to the audience.
Layout and Font: Every item is spread out which ensures that nothing is unnoticeable.  As billboards are large advertisements, this technique means that everyone can see its features.  I will use more general fonts such as 'Impact' which will look better over the black background.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Flat Plan and Rationale(Magazine)

I have produced a flat plan of the four components of my magazine which will act as a guide when I am making it.  I have included a rationale which explains the ideas from the flat plans.

Colour Usage: All four pages will have a three shade colour scheme.  The colours that will be carried through all of the pages is yellow and black which is conventionally used as a professional colour.  Yellow is the colour used for the masthead and therefore is used in varying capacities in the other components of the magazine.  Blue will be used on the pages too but not the cover.  The colour schemes will connote a serious attitude toward film but will also reinforce that film is a fun and interesting genre.

Image Usage: The image on the cover will be me holding a Super 8 camera.  It will be a medium close up shot and will be darkly lit.  The contents page will feature an image of the Super 8 camera which will be edited to remove the background.  The other image on the contents page will be of the Tyneside Cinema.  This picture will be the first location shot.  The editor's page will feature one of my friends or family members as the editor.  This photo will be a medium shot.  The image on the feature page will be taken on location on a beach and will be a wide shot.  It will feature me and will not be too bright.  This photo will only require a small amount of light.

Text Usage: The article will be in the third person and will contain words to further the interest of the reader.  The sell lines and contents page listings will not go into too much detail.  Instead they will make reference to places in the region which will make the reader want to find out what is happening in those places.  The sell lines on the cover will be limited, with a maximum of five.  The listings on the contents page will be split into two columns: 'features' and 'regulars'.  This will inform  the reader on what they should read first.  These listings will include features such as an interview and a guide to the best filming locations in the region.  The masthead will also be accompanied by a slogan which will increase its regional look.  The magazine is serious about film however it will not have a highly formal register as the use of language will not just be informative- it will also entertain the reader.  Though it is possible that I will include North East words, the regional language will mainly be conveyed through the names of local places.

Layout and Font: The layout of the cover will be sell lines on the left, image on the right.  This will be used on the editor's page too.  The contents page and feature page will not use this, as my flat plans show.  Some of the text on the contents page and editor's page will be placed on different angles to give the layout a more energetic look.  'Bebas' will be the font used for the magazine's logo as it is very bold and simplistic, which is how I want it to look.  'Universal Accreditation' will be used on the contents page to introduce some of the inside features.  This font is ideal for magazines due to its modern style.