Saturday 20 June 2015

Contens Page Deconstructions

By deconstructing these contents pages, I can develop ideas about what to include on my own.

Masthead: It uses red which is the colour of the 'Empire' logo however it also uses white to distinguish itself from what is on the cover.  This is an interesting idea which I may use myself.
Image: The image covers the masthead a bit, giving it dominance and adding to the darkness of the page.  As it is a shot from a film, the professionalism of the magazine is increased.  The image also creates a mystery of what the article is actually about.
Colour: Red, white and black gives this contents page a bold look and build the sense that the magazine is sophisticated and well established.  I too will follow the convention of three colours.
Listings: The idea of keeping the sell lines to the side is what I am going use, though I will use more than what are included here and they will be broken up into titled columns.  The use of red and white makes the page well composited and neat.

Masthead: This contents page is advertising films being shown at 'Empire' cinemas which makes its bold use of red in the masthead very effective and eye-catching.  The use of the word 'main' puts the audience in focus with what they will most likely be more willing to see.
Images: The main focus is on Batman through the inclusion of a cartoon-like image and pictures from the featured article.  It builds intrigue by including other cinematic icons including Darth Vader and Superman.
Colour: Red, white and black create familiarity with 'Empire' magazine.  The minor colours which can be seen on the images will draw in readers who are only interested in reading about the films.  My contents page will have a bold look in order to make the reader interested in local film whilst looking at it.
Listings: The listings are kept to the left side of the page and name the movies.  This outlines the target audience as being people who want to read about films playing at the cinema.  It is made more professional than this however by featuring big names such as Robert De Niro which will be interesting to people who are fans of his older work. 

Masthead: The word 'contents' is kept very small and out of the way.  This is not risky in this case as 'Total Film' is a well established magazine.  Despite being unconventional, the word still stands out as the rest of the top of the page is empty.
Images: Harry potter features twice which determines a large audience who will share interest.  The cover is also featured to increase the importance of the page as it is essentially a follow on from the cover.  The smaller images are kept out of the way however there is still plenty of interest for readers to find.  This is enhanced through the word' Buzz' which uses capital letters to stand out.
Colour: The colour scheme includes black and red which appears to be a popular choice for the contents pages of film magazines.  This has led me to think that I should use it on my own contents page, though only in a small amount.  The subtle use of yellow allows for more variety.
Listings: The fact that the listings are on both the left and the right side helps to sell the 'Harry Potter' feature even more.  They intrigue the reader through their brief headings and also inform you on when films are coming out.  The sell lines at the bottom titled 'Buzz' and 'Lounge' are kept out of focus as they are regular items.  The subscribe box at the bottom gives the text more of an interesting look as the colours immediately grab your attention.

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