Wednesday 24 June 2015

Preparation for Interview

I am preparing to interview a member of my secondary target audience.  To help me with this I have storyboarded an interview with Jeremy Paxman and Russell Brand and looked at the shot types and editing.

I noticed that the shot types in the extract I watched were medium shots and wide shots and the editing style was shot/reverse/shot.  There are only medium shots of Brand, never Paxman, though the wide shots contain both of them.  Here is some information for my own interview regarding the questions and camera shots.

Interview Questions:
1.) What is your favorite magazine genre?
2.) What do you do in your spare time?
3.) Do you ever attend film events?
4.) How much do you usually pay for a magazine?
5.) What attracts you to a billboard advertisement the most?
6.) What is your favourite element of a website?
7.) Do you subscribe to any magazines or have you done so in the past?

Shot List:
Wide Shot, Medium Shot, Wide Shot, Medium Shot, Wide Shot, Medium Shot, Wide Shot, Medium Shot, Wide Shot, Medium Shot, Wide Shot, Medium Shot, Wide Shot, Medium Shot, Wide Shot

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