Thursday 25 June 2015

Audience Interview

The purpose of this interview is to find out more about my secondary audience.  Before conducting research on my primary audience, I had ideas about their interests but I think that I will find out more from asking a member of my secondary target audience some questions.

Their favourite genre of magazine was health/lifestyle, despite them subscribing to 'Empire' in the past.  This makes me think that they like to read health and lifestyle magazines for 'general reading' and that my product would appeal to them.  They would read my magazine because they expressed interest in going to the cinema, despite never attending any film events like members of my primary target audience.  They are prepared to pay up to £2-£3 for a magazine which is likely due to their interest in reading.  Regarding billboards, they said they would be attracted to one if it had a celebrity on it which tells me that my secondary audience prefer national magazines.  In terms of favourite element of a website, the answer was ease of use which means they are looking for a more simplistic site.

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