Wednesday 24 June 2015

Primary Audience Research

I have conducted surveys to gain information about the members of my primary target audience.  The participants were all within the target age range of my magazine: 18-30.  I have presented the results in charts using Excel.
When conducting surveys for my AS research, music magazines were most popular however film magazines have received more responses this time which tells me that young audiences enjoy reading magazines of this genre.  As all of the participants of my survey are from the local area, I am confident that my product would sell and that the people who took part in my survey would buy it. 
Colour and images received an equal amount of responses which means that I am going to have to make these features work well together.  Despite text not getting a large response, I will still need to use it professionally in order to give my magazine maturity.

The people who said they watch films/TV will also go out with friends to the cinema.  Viewing movies and listening to music are both very popular activities.  In my AS work I discussed how my target audience would go to gigs and music festivals however visiting the cinema is something that my target audience would prefer. 

As it is not a national magazine I am producing, my target audience is evidently not as willing to pay too much for it.  It is clear however that many people would pay over £2.00 which means that the price of £1.99 would gather more potential buyers.
From the responses to this question I can see that my target audience are regular readers of magazines.  I am confident that if they had a choice of regional magazines to buy, they would pick mine as the surveys have shown that film is a very popular magazine genre.
60% of the participants were male.  I will use my findings from these surveys when producing a reader profile.  I believe that my product appeals to both genders however I will keep in mind more males chose film as their genre of preference whereas more females chose the genres lifestyle and music.

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